Tennis - Boys' Varsity
The boys are excited to get back out on the courts full time after two years of uncertainty. Led by co-captains Christian Terwilliger '22 and Drew Andrianopolous '23, the squad is pumped to play many competitive matches and demonstrate improvement over the course of the season. Veterans Maks Poreda '22, Luis Arturo Perez '22, Vincent Bourgeois '22, and Calvin Givner '24 fit in behind the co-captains as top players, and will battle for singles spots.
Newcomers like Julius Allmendinger '23, Emilio Sanchez '22, Siliang Pan '22, Dat Do '22, and Ruben Castellanos '25 are expected to provide depth and doubles play for the Golden Knights. The sounds of the feet moving on the court, the snapping of the net, and the whoosh when that new can of tennis balls is opened are really appreciated these days.
This spring, we look forward to continuing to rebuild a foundation that will serve the MPrep tennis program well in the years to come.