
Winter Athletic Awards

Winter Athletic Awards

Although winter sports didn’t look the same, student athletes still showed their drive and dedication this season and were honored for it. 

Many teams focused on conditioning and skill building in the absence of a formal competitive schedule. Practices were restructured, and coaches noted that the athletes took the changes in stride.

“They threw sparing bags instead of opponents. Avoided mop handles instead of arms. Drilled stand ups and shots over and over while coaches encouraged them to stay focused,” wrestling coach Chris Miller said.

Indoor track and field coach Meghan Cavanaugh also saw her team find positive growth in the season, stating that “overall, this season offered creative opportunities to build physical strength and deepen our relationships with our teammates.” 

Coaches thanked their seniors for the time, leadership, and heart they brought to the sports. The teams looked forward to getting back to competition play next year, more excited and motivated than ever. 

“This season has only made us hungrier to capture a championship next year,” girls’ varsity basketball head coach Kirsty Leedham said. “And while it won’t be the same playing without our seniors, we want them to know that when we hang up the banner next year, we want them to come back and hang it with us.”

The Winter Athletic Awards were held on Monday, March 15 via WebEx.

Congratulations to all of the winners!


Co-Ed Indoor Track and Field

Top Newcomer Award: Dominika Chmielewski   

Outstanding Achievement Award: Chiara Faiola  

Outstanding Achievement Award: Emma McQuiston 

Golden Knight Award: Maura Hoban  

4-Year Varsity Award: Maura Hoban, Chiara Faiola, Emma McQuiston, Kyle Woodruff



Top Newcomer Award: Katrina Piekielniak

Most Improved Award: Jorge Mena Munch

Outstanding Achievement Award: Stephen Canavan

Golden Knight Award: Ashley Vandenbrouck 



Top Newcomer Award: William Savoie

Outstanding Achievement Award: Syzmon Mamro

Golden Knight Award: Andre Looney

4-Year Varsity Award: Andre Looney


Boys’ Varsity Basketball

Top Newcomer Award: Kurt Cesar 

Most Improved Award: Stephen Willand

Outstanding Achievement Award: Chad Duke

Golden Knight Award: Charles Mukweva


Girls’ Varsity Basketball 

Top Newcomer Award: Giana DeCesare

Most Improved Award: Lauren Lemire

Outstanding Achievement Award: Rachel Ullstrom

Golden Knight Award: Caroline King

4-Year Varsity Award: Sydney Masciarelli