
Veterans Day Recognition and Remembrance

Veterans Day Recognition and Remembrance
This November 11, Marianapolis proudly observes Veterans Day, a time to honor those who have selflessly served in our armed forces. On the morning of Friday, November 8, our school community came together for a Veterans Day Recognition and Remembrance Assembly to express our gratitude and respect for the remarkable sacrifices and unwavering dedication of those who have served. 
Head of School, David DiCicco, set the tone for the assembly with his welcoming remarks. He encouraged our Marianapolis community “to reflect on the themes of service and sacrifice and the values that positively define our community.” Father Tim then shared a special prayer for veterans of all countries.
Two current employees, Mr. DiDonato and Mr. Meszaro, were recognized for their service in the U.S. Navy. Mr. James O’Connor, grandfather of M. O’Connor ‘26 and alumna Riley O’Connor ‘24, was recognized for serving in the U.S. Air Force.

Additionally, our panelists from the Belmont family were recognized: Major Jon Belmont, West Point Admissions’ Northeast Regional Commander; Mr. Tom Belmont, who served 9 years in the Army National Guard, attaining the rank of Sergeant First Class in the Signal Corps; and Mr. Matt Belmont, a freshman at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) and part of WPI’s Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC). The ROTC is a college program that trains students to become commissioned officers in the U.S. Armed Forces.
Father Tim then recognized and celebrated recent alums who were currently entering military service.

Avery Kurzontkowski ‘23 ROTC at the University of Texas at Austin.
Birdie “Barbara” Forgues ‘24 at the United States Military Academy West Point.
Kara Corriveau '21 at the United States Air Force Academy.
Ricky Rushton ‘21 at the United States Naval Academy.
Ben Daggett ‘20 is in the midst of basic training with the Navy for officer training.
Thank you to our alumni and family members who are in active service today from all countries.
A particularly moving moment followed as Father Tim read the names of alumni veterans who died in service. Bells rang after each name. H. Nguyen ‘25 and G. Nguyen Tran ‘25 performed a beautiful musical reflection piece called Greensleeves.
Thank you to Ms. Jackson for sharing her unique perspective and “experience of loving someone who serves in the military and what it truly means to live apart from them.” She brought to our attention that “being in a relationship with someone in the military has given [her] a new perspective on love and commitment. It has taught [her] that supporting each other’s dreams sometimes means making sacrifices. [She has] learned to treasure the moments [they] do have and make every second together count. And most importantly, [she has] learned that love sometimes means cheering each other on from afar [and] being each other’s biggest supporters, even from different corners of the world.”

Our assembly concluded with an engaging and insightful panel discussion with the Belmont family on the meaning of Veterans Day and service. “What drew you to serve in the military?” and “What comes to mind when you think about Veterans Day?” were just a couple of the questions asked.
Our community members were moved by stories of courage and resilience, gaining insight into the challenges faced by veterans and the immense strength they exhibit in overcoming adversity. As we reflect on this important day, let us commit to standing by our veterans not just on Veterans Day, but throughout the year. Through community service, educational initiatives, or simply conveying our gratitude, we can all contribute to honoring their enduring legacy.
Videos and photos from the assembly can be viewed here.