
Spring Concert & Art Show

Spring Concert & Art Show
Our Spring Concert & Art Show took place on Monday, April 29! Our student artists and performers did a phenomenal job showcasing their work and talent. A special thank you to Ms. Lydia Tourtellotte ’16, Visual Arts Teacher, and Dr. Szu-ning Tai, Music Director, for all your hard work organizing such a special event.

This year’s theme, “How Far We’ll Go,” was a powerful call to action, inviting everyone to create lasting memories and inspire each other to strive for personal growth and success.

“Even as the seasons change, people come and go: new first-year students come in, and seniors are about to graduate,” said Dr. Tai. “We welcome and say goodbyes to new and old faces. Marianapolis becomes a safe port to nourish the voyagers and prepare them to travel the distance for another journey. Through the power of music, we can witness the special moment that showcases our students’ talents, dedication, and huge potential.”

Congratulations to our student artists and performers on a wonderful show! Thank you for sharing your passion and talent with us.

AP Art

L. Belsito '24, S. Ha '24, R. Lamarche '24, S. Lavallee '24, L. Najjar '24, Y. Wang '24, A. Bidwell '25

Art Foundations: Charcoal Impressionism, Pastel Impressionism, and “CityShape” Paintings

Z. Litke '24, L. van Hese '24, M. Zduniak '24, P. Chu '25, K. Gaskin '25, H. Nguyen '25, A. Nichols '25, D. Radukic '25, N. Vanfleet '25, P.  Basha '26, E. Brodeur '26, T. Chahine '26, A. Parafinowicz '26, R. Rudnicki '26, A. Sheehan '26, M. Sullivan '26, M. Early '27, Z. He '27, H. Kang '27, L. Lavallee '27, R. Mao '27, H. Moon '27

Mixed Media: Two-Toned Linocut Prints and Plaster Sculptures

R. Conlon '24, J. Jachimczyk '24, K. Moatshe '24, K. Piekielniak '24, T. Verrina '24, Y. Wang '24, G. DeAngelis '25, C. Diaz '25, K. Gillette '25, L. Moors '25, E. Savoie '25, J. Gavião '26

Drawing and Painting: Watercolor and Oil Paintings

Q. Nguyen '24, P. Trieu '24, H. Vu '24, L. Beyers '25, S. Estrada '25, P. Banuelos '26, O. Brown '27, G. Collins '27, K. Porter '27

Advanced Practice in Voice

L. Belsito ‘24


L. Belske ‘27, D.  Caffone ‘27, C. Chen ‘27, H. Chen ‘27, L. Fanale ‘27, B. Gillette ‘27, S. Guay ‘27, H. Hayes ‘27, J. Hebert ‘27, H. Kang ‘27, B. Keegan ‘27, B. Kimball ‘27, N. Kostovski ‘27, E. Kurma ‘27, J. Kurzontkowski ‘27, L. Lavallee ‘27, S. Lavallee ‘27, P. Li ‘27, Y.  Liu ‘27, R. Mao ‘27, E. Martineau ‘27, J. Meehan ‘27, N. Milewski ‘27, B. Mullin ‘27, D. Myers ‘27, J. Olivieri ‘27, J. Park ‘27, A. Rodriguez ‘27, J. Rodriguez ‘27, R. Shaughnessy ‘27, G. Solari ‘27, L. Vaillancourt ‘27, L. Wu ‘27, B. Yang ‘27, V. Vinton ‘27, P. Yu ‘27, V. Zeglen ‘27

Jazz Band & Rock Band

A. Barnwell ‘24, C. Givner ‘24, S. Navarro ‘24, M. Joyce ‘25, L. Mueller ‘25, E. Vagedes ‘25, R. Givner ‘26, L. Landis ‘26,  B. Keegan ‘27, K. Porter ‘27, R. Shaughnessy ‘27


P. Duong ‘24, C. Givner ‘24, S. Ha ‘24, C. Marchand ‘24, S. Navarro ‘24, V. Torres ‘24, A. Voas ‘24, M. Zduniak ‘24, K. Gillette ‘25, H. Nguyen ‘25, H. Nguyen Tran ‘25, H.A. Nguyen Tran ‘25, D. Perveiler ‘25, R. Zekiri ‘25, R. Givner ‘26, C. O’Brien ‘26, Y. Wang ‘26, Y. Yang ‘26, B. Keegan ‘27, G. Kim ‘27, H. LaMountain ‘27, R. Mao ‘27, D. Myers ‘27, K. Porter ‘27

A photo gallery of the artwork showcased can be viewed here.

Videos from the concert can be viewed here.