
National Honor Society Induction

National Honor Society Induction
On Tuesday, April 30, 16 Marianapolis students were inducted into the National Honor Society, and 38 students renewed their memberships. Members are chosen from the sophomore, junior, and senior classes. Students must maintain a 3.33 GPA with no grade lower than a B- in all courses for the current year. Leadership, Character, and Service are also important criteria for satisfying this membership. Congratulations to all new and renewing members!

Photos from the induction can be viewed here.

New Members

R. Conlon ‘24, R. Lamarche ‘24, H. Stanwood ‘24, A. Bidwell ‘25, S. DiPietro ‘25, C. Eggen ‘25, N. Larson ‘25, S. McGlone ‘25, B. Miller ‘25, L. Mueller ‘25, M. Wesolowski ‘25, P. Basha ‘26, T.Chahine ‘26, E. Clifford ‘26, L. Landis ‘26, S. Stawiecki ‘26

Renewing Members

A. Alicandro ‘24, L. Belsito ‘24, C. Bouchard ‘24, L. Conde ‘24, S. Corriveau ‘24, P. Fitzgibbons ‘24, B. Forgues ‘24, J. Foskett ‘24, J. Jachimczyk ‘24, Z. Litke ‘24, S. Lundt ‘24, B. MacDonough ‘24, K. MacKenzie ‘24, P. Manyak ‘24, C. Marchand ‘24, T. McCabe ‘24, Z. Moore ‘24, L. Najjar ‘24, R. O’Connor ‘24, W. Potem ‘24, O. Richardson ‘24, E. Shamback ‘24, A. Shultz ‘24, V. Torres ‘24, I. Vigliotti ‘24, A. Voas ‘24, C. Alba ‘25, G. DeAngelis ‘25, C. Diaz ‘25, K. Gillette ‘25, L. Gingo ‘25, L. Henao ‘25, M. Joyce ‘25, A. Margoupis ‘25, N. Olkowski ‘25, E. Sanchez ‘25, V. Vo ‘25, S. Wildes ‘25