
Marianapolis Students Learn Dangers of Distracted Driving

Marianapolis Students Learn Dangers of Distracted Driving

By Will Aldenberg '18
Media Team

On Thursday, October 5, 2017, Marianapolis students and faculty gathered in the Chapel for a presentation on the dangers of distracted driving from the Save a Life Tour.

The Save a Life Tour is a “Safe Driving Awareness Program” that provides opportunities for students to learn about driving safely. The tour travels throughout the world, spreading the Save a Life message of driving responsibly, for the sake of oneself and the sake of others.

In addition to an educational presentation, the tour offers driving simulators for people to experience the realities of driving while distracted. The simulators mimic the experiences of driving under the influence of alcohol and texting while driving.

Marianapolis students were provided the opportunity to participate in the texting while driving simulator during their lunch periods. “It was much harder than I was expecting,” one student said. “I didn’t plan on crashing the car so quickly. It was scary to experience how simply reading a text could make such a difference.”

“We have great kids at Marianapolis,” said Assistant Head of School and Dean of Students, Mr. David DiCicco, “The temptation of texting while driving is going to exist, we know that, but it is our job as a school to provide our students with the resources and knowledge they need in order to understand the consequences of their decisions, and hopefully support them in making the right one.”

Students took a pledge to never text and drive, signing their names on a banner provided by the Save a Life Tour. Marianapolis continues to provide the support and education needed for their students to thrive in the outside world, Thursday’s distracted driving presentation being a part of it.