
Honoring Veterans of the Armed Forces

Honoring Veterans of the Armed Forces

This Veterans Day, we reflect and share our deepest gratitude to all veterans and their families. 

This morning, we gathered as a community for a reflective and moving Veterans Day Assembly. After a welcoming prayer from Father Tim, we were joined virtually by retired Marine Corps veteran Donald White '06 and Air Force Reservist TJ Bent '05. Each alumni veteran shared the inspiration and journey to join the armed forces. Donald White reminded us how few Americans serve in the military and asked the community to “sit back and reflect, and be thankful for, the service of so few.” TJ Bent called on the community to recognize the sacrifices of not just those who serve but also their families. “We reflect on and acknowledge the contributions and sacrifices of the few who have stood up and their families as they endure all the same hardships as we do.”

Current students Kaylee ‘24 and Anthony ‘24 Russo shared their experience having a veteran for a father. A marine corps veteran, he serves his community as a firefighter and EMT. Said Anthony, “Most days of the week, he is putting himself at risk for the benefit of other people. He always looks out for others and will always find a way to help[…]We have so much respect for him because of his compassion for others and love for his family and country. Thank you to all the veterans who have served in our country. We have great respect for you and appreciate you so much.”

In addition to the speakers, two groups performed reflective music. The Chorus performed “Dona Nobis Pacem (Give Us Peace),” and members of the Guitar I class performed “Amazing Grace.” 

Father Tim honored Marianapolis alumni veterans who gave the ultimate sacrifice in service to the United States. Head of School David DiCicco reminded the community that the flagpole at the southern end of campus was dedicated in May 2019 to Marianapolis alumni who have served in the armed forces. The inscription reads, “We dedicate this flagpole to the Marianapolis alumni who have served our country in the Armed Forces. We honor and remember their sacrifices made to preserve the blessings of liberty and freedom for all.”

The Marianapolis community extends our appreciation and respect to everyone who has served our country. We honor you and thank you for your dedication and sacrifice.