The Marianapolis Drama Club is proud to present “I Never Saw Another Butterfly.”
“I Never Saw Another Butterfly” is a one-act cutting by the author of the full-length play, Celeste Raspanti. From 1942 to 1945 over 15,000 Jewish children passed through Terezin, a former military garrison set up as a ghetto. It soon became a station, a stopping-off place, for hundreds of thousands on their way to the gas chambers of Auschwitz. When Terezin was liberated in May 1945, only about one hundred children were alive to return to what was left of their lives, their homes, and families. The story of those years at Terezin remains in drawings and poems collected and published in the book, I Never Saw Another Butterfly.
Performances will take place in the Irwin Black Box Theatre, 26 Chase Road, Thompson, CT at 7 pm on November 9, 10, & 11. Admission is free, but reservations are recommended, as space is limited. Please call (860) 923-9565 for reservations.