
Knight of Science to be held November 14

Knight of Science to be held November 14

Each year the Science Department hosts an informal Knight of Science to provide exposure to careers in the STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Math) fields and the professional possibilities that exist beyond a college degree.

This year the Knight of Science will be held on Wednesday, November 14 from 6:00 - 8:00 pm in the Chapel. The focus of the night will be a combination of Materials Science and Engineering as well as Biotechnology, Physiology, and research in those areas both locally and abroad. Our guest speakers represent both ends of the demographic spectrum and will speak to the experiences of both someone new to the field of research as well as someone who has a well established career in the sciences.

The Knight of Science is free and open to all. The event will follow an open discussion format that will give audience members a chance to ask formal questions during the presentations as well as engage one on one with the speakers during a brief intermission. Refreshments and snacks will be served.

The year's speakers:

Dr. Romagnano '97 has a background that includes degrees in biology and humanities, and a Master's in Biotechnology. He received his Ph.D. in plant physiology and was funded as a NASA Graduate Student Research Program fellow. Following his doctoral work, he spent two southern winters in Antarctica serving as the South Pole Food Growth Chamber technician. He is also a graduate of the University of Connecticut School of Law. His experiences are varied and his interests abound. He has cross-trained as a medical laboratory technician, an aircraft traffic control radio operator, power plant operator, waste demolition crew, and ham radio operator.  

Mr. Kevin Co obtained his B.S in materials sciences and engineering at UConn in 2016. He is a PhD student in the Materials Science and Engineering program. His research experience is with first principles quantum mechanical modeling and is currently interested in ferroelectric properties of complex oxides.