
House/Hall Heroes - 10/24/19

House/Hall Heroes - 10/24/19

Valentina Mena '22: Valentina is a bubbly and outgoing member of the Villa Maria dormitory. She is a CLP rockstar and has a great time hanging out with all students. Whether they are domestic or international students, she is comfortable with people from anywhere in the world. She is always positive and energetic, and her smile and enthusiasm are contagious. She participates in all dorm and community events and loves to include everyone in these activities.

Jeronimo Vazquez Usabiaga '20: Jeronimo has been a consistently excellent member of Crossmen Hall and the entire residential community. In addition to being a thoughtful and inquisitive young man, he has fully embraced the international nature of the school and pursues social interactions with students from every nation of origin. As such, he has set a powerful positive example for the rest of the hall, and for all students at Marianapolis.