
House/Hall Heroes - 11/19/19

House/Hall Heroes - 11/19/19

Ali Abdel-Jalil '20: Ali is a first-year postgraduate student at Marianapolis who currently resides in Blue Angels Hall. Even though he has only been here for a few months, Ali is one of the most influential and valued members of the Hall. He role models good behavior to his peers and is always ready to jump in and help when possible. Ali's friendly demeanor and confidence help support the people around him and he is always approachable for the members of the Hall and the dorm in general. Ali is a fantastic young man who makes St. John's a better place with his presence. We are lucky to have him!

Maya Benway '21: Maya has been an outstanding community member who has led by example from the day she arrived at Marianapolis. She is a friend to all, day students and boarders alike, and puts her heart and soul into everything she does. One teacher described her as " an unofficial RA in the dorms who always helps in any way that she can. She is kind, generous, inclusive and always demonstrates what is best about Marianapolis."