
Four Marianapolis Students Honored at Connecticut Regional Scholastic Art Awards

Four Marianapolis Students Honored at Connecticut Regional Scholastic Art Awards

Four Marianapolis students have recently been honored at the annual Connecticut Regional Scholastic Art Awards. 

Alison Tourtellotte ’21 (Putnam, CT) won a gold key for her artwork “Dreaming of Memories” in the area of mixed media; Michael Hanrahan ’20 (Thompson, CT) won a silver key for his photograph “Why Not?”; Evan Lundt ’21 (Woodstock, CT) won an honorable mention for his digital photo “Conflict Within”; Lily Mueller ’22 (Webster, MA) won an honorable mention for her artwork “Euphoria” in the area of drawing & illustration.  

As a gold key winning piece, Alison's work will automatically advance to national judging. Her artwork will be looked at by renowned creative professionals and evaluated in comparison to gold key winners from all around the country. If she receives recognition at this level she will be given a certificate and medal, as well as be considered for national exhibition, publication, and scholarship opportunities. 

The Scholastic Art Awards is the largest juried student art competition in the state. Student artwork is juried by professional artists and university art faculty and is selected on merit for inclusion in a statewide art exhibition held at the Hartford Art School. The artwork from the Marianapolis students will be on display at Silpe Gallery on the University of Hartford campus until January 31.