
College Placement Office Holds Second Annual College Colloquium

College Placement Office Holds Second Annual College Colloquium

By Katherine LeBlanc '18
Media Team

On Thursday, September 27, the Marianapolis College Placement Office held its second annual College Colloquium. The Colloquium featured nine different sessions, each held in three different time slots, allowing students and families to attend a different session each time, all focused around the details of the college process.

The evening kicked off with an introduction from the Marianapolis College Placement counselors, Mrs. Kelly and Mr. Richardson. They introduced the visiting guests, Mr. Andy Strickler, Dean of Admissions at Connecticut College, Mr. Chris Miemiec, Assistant Director of Admissions at Assumption College, Ms. Amy Cembor, Senior Associate Dean of Admission at Providence College, Meghan DeCarvalho, Director of Counseling Services at Salve Regina, Nicole Cunningham, Associate Director of Financial Aid at the College of the Holy Cross, and Jayson Hodge, Senior Associate Director of Admission at the University of Connecticut.

Some of the sessions throughout the night included “What is ‘liberal arts?,” “Getting the most of the campus visit,” “Does the essay really matter?,” “Maximizing the use of Naviance,” and “Financial Aid 101.” Other sessions were targeted specifically at students and parents. “Students, it's going to be alright!” and “Parents, it's going to be alright!” respectively.

Mr. Andy Strickler from Connecticut College in New London hosted a session on the benefits of a liberal arts school. He highlighted the personal connections he had during his time at a small liberal arts college, and how each student can benefit from them. He emphasized the individualized attention, small class sizes, and the sense of community that can be found at liberal arts institutions.

A few Marianapolis alumni returned to campus to participate in the event as well, hosting an informational panel designed for students to ask questions about the reality of college, and what it is truly like.

Marianapolis would like to thank all who participated in this year’s colloquium, and looks forward to the event again in the upcoming years. The College Placement Office will host a college fair, Thursday, October 12th in the Athletic Complex to kick off Parent and Family Weekend.