
Class of 2024 Academic Standing: Top Six Students

Class of 2024 Academic Standing: Top Six Students
In just over a month, our Class of 2024 will walk across the stage as high school graduates. We look forward to experiencing this exciting moment with them!

During Morning Gathering on Monday, April 29, our Marianapolis community came together to honor and celebrate the academic excellence of those who have earned a place among the top six students in the Class of 2024.

Mrs. Karen Tata, Associate Head of School, shared that this order “is determined at the completion of the second trimester of the senior year. Their weighted cumulative average of at least 2 and 2/3 years at Marianapolis, in conjunction with their impeccable citizenship and academic habits, determines this distinction. In this case, we have been blessed with the presence of all six of these students for what will be four years.”

The following students “have maintained the highest weighted GPA with an average of 7 honors level courses and 9 Advanced Placement courses, while serving as your leaders in the academic, athletic, student life, and extracurricular arenas,” said Tata. “These students embody our mission as they successfully embraced all opportunities for growth and service to our community.”

Congratulations to B. Forgues, S. Lundt, K. MacKenzie, and T. McCabe!

Our Class of 2024 Salutatorian earned the second highest weighted cumulative grade point average over three and two-thirds years at Marianapolis.

Tata shared that “while enrolled in a total of 17 honors or AP-level courses, this student was inducted as a member of the National and Spanish National Honor Societies, received the World History Award, the Brandeis University Book Award, and the CT Colt Student Award for Excellence.”

We are so happy to congratulate V. Torres on this achievement! 

Our Class of 2024 Valedictorian earned the highest weighted cumulative grade point average over the same period at Marianapolis.

“Beginning in her first honors-level course and advancing beyond grade level freshman year, she continued to challenge herself with the highest academic rigor in a total of 7 honors and 9 AP-level courses over her Marianapolis career,” announced Tata. “This student is a member of both the Spanish and the National Honor Societies, an NMSQT National Merit Commended Student, received the CT COLT Student Award for Excellence for two years, the University of Rochester, Bausch and Lomb Award, and the Harvard Book Prize.”

We are thrilled to congratulate B. MacDonough on securing this honor!

The Marianapolis community could not be more proud of these students. Their hard work, commitment, and diligence to achieve such recognition indicate how bright their futures will be. We look forward to continuing the celebration over these next few weeks and at Graduation in 34 days!