
Knights of the Week - 5/7/19

Knights of the Week - 5/7/19

JV Baseball

Evan Lundt '21 is JV baseball's pick for Knight of the Week. Evan has worked incredibly hard throughout the season to improve in every aspect of the game. He is very coachable and is willing to push himself as far as he needs to master certain skills. His improvements on the mound have been most impressive especially following a 2-inning appearance where he gave up 0 runs, struck out 3, and kept himself calm even with a rough start, walking two out of the gate. We look forward to seeing Evan grow and continue to be a good example for his peers and a good representative of the Marianapolis Mission. 

Girls' Varsity Tennis

Senior Shuri Okada is a 2-year varsity tennis player who represents the best of Golden Knight sportsmanship on and off the court. She is renowned for her kindness and impeccable tennis etiquette. Shuri is a solid teammate and is extremely coachable. She will play anywhere in the lineup to help her or doubles. Shuri is a character leader as well as an effort leader for GVT. Her quiet drive and determination are an inspiration to her teammates.

4-year varsity tri-captain Zhimei "Michelle" Zhou '19 has one of the hardest positions in prep school sports - she is a varsity #1 singles player. Michelle always plays the opponent's very best player match-in and match-out, mano a mano, all alone; no subs, no timeouts, no referees.

Michelle's bravery and stoicism are legends. She has gone out courageously vs. #1s at Worcester Academy and at Portsmouth Abbey. Michelle never says a word, never complains or appears frightened, she fights hard and calls a clean match. Win or lose Michelle is dignified and proud.

Knights of the Week winners
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