
Knights of the Week - 10/21/19

Knights of the Week - 10/21/19

Cross Country

Over the past few weeks, Patrick Hoban ’23 has been a model of sportsmanship. During several off-campus runs and on-campus workouts, he has supported his teammates when they were struggling to stay motivated by running alongside them cheering them along. He is upbeat at every practice and never complains or questions what his coaches ask him to do. In cross country, which is a relatively individual sport, it is easy to get caught up in your own training and races, but Patrick demonstrates that it is possible to do that while also being a model team player.


Kyle Woodruff ’21 is the Knight of the Week for Crew. At the Head of the Charles Regatta on Sunday, he steered an excellent path on a notoriously difficult course. Throughout the season, he has been an excellent leader of a young boat, calming them when their nerves were rattled and motivating them when their spirits were flagging. He is eager to do what is asked of him, helping the team grow at practices, and seeing results in races.

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