After graduating from Marianapolis, I went on to get my nursing degree at Simmons College in Boston. I have always wanted to be a nurse, and Simmons offered one of the best nursing programs. Learning in the Boston neighborhood hospitals has allowed me to work at one of the most reputable hospitals around, Boston Children's Hospital. Working in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) as a nurse, I'm honored to help infants grow and succeed, and love being part of the amazing team that is Children's. My NICU kiddos are part of the inspiration for my running the marathon. Olivia is currently a senior at Simmons and is following her own calling to nursing there as well. Our niece, Miss Caroline, provides great inspiration for both Olivia and me.
During her pregnancy, our older sister Ashleigh and her husband Scott found out that their new baby girl would be born with a cleft lip and palate and was referred to Boston Children's for care. After a series of successful surgeries, little Miss Caroline smiles even bigger and more beautiful than ever. In an effort to give back to the hospital that has given our family so much, we applied and were accepted to the Boston Children's Miles for Miracles Marathon team. Every family deserves the best care for their child. By fundraising for Children's as members of the Miles for Miracles Boston Marathon team, we hope to help give other families the chance for better health. Inspired by Miss Caroline, we hope to face every mile with a smile.
Olivia and I usually find ourselves on the sidelines of the Boston Marathon, working as medical volunteers along the course. Needless to say, running the marathon side by side has been a dream of ours for a long time. We both ran track at Marianapolis and have continued running since, doing multiple half marathons and one full marathon together. Training together is something that we love to do, and we plan on running the entire race, all 26.2 miles, next to each other stride for stride.
Kaitie's Link:
Olivia's Link: